We lay solid groundwork for long-term, steady growth.

An important step in the company’s growth is the active creation of a local petrochemical sector by LLP Saryarka-Energy.

Welcome LLP Saryarka-Energy

LLP Saryarka-Energy is a highly esteemed enterprise within the oil and gas sector. It is a dynamic organization with a rich history and traditions, and it has been a pioneer in implementing technology advancements, process optimization, and social responsibility initiatives. Our product is oil! By removing oil, we support the economy and well-being of our nation as well as the advancement of social partnerships and the achievement of shareholders’ interests.

One of the most well-known companies in Kazakhstan that produces, supplies, and exports gas and oil. It is also a prominent petroleum product trader and exporter. Production of oil, gas, and gas-condensate; upstream offshore projects; processing; supply of oil, gas, and petroleum products; and marketing and distribution of these goods in Kazakhstan and other nations are among the activities carried out by LLP Saryarka-Energy Service.

Our Services

Exploration and production

Priority access to exploration acreage is granted to LLP Saryarka-Energy

Reserves and Resources

Oil accounted for 56.1% of the LLP Saryarka-Energy’s 1.4 billion boe

Transportation and Sales

Kazakhstan is largely a landlocked country, therefore more exports

Oil Refining

Refining and trade are LLP Saryarka-Energy’s two commercial operations. Through cooperation

Sustainable development

In addition to pursuing an ethical social policy, LLP Saryarka-Energy supports the long-term growth of the areas in which it conducts business. The company works to assist small and indigenous peoples, as well as other socially vulnerable groups in society. Every significant company in the Group of Companies participates in social events.

As part of the federal project Biodiversity Preservation and Ecotourism Development of the Ecology national project, LLP Saryarka-Energy has been providing support to the Russian Ministry of Nature and Ecology’s Business and Biodiversity initiative since 2019. The Plan of Priority Measures for the Preservation and Restoration of the Siberian Crane (White Crane) Population in Russia served as the foundation for the agreement between the Ministry and the company; FSBI Oksky Natural State Reserve and FSBI VNII Ecology were designated as the contractors.

Between 2012 and 2021, the National Fund—which was founded as LLP Saryarka-Energy—paid $3 billion in taxes to the municipal and republican budgets. More than tenge, or about 4 billion 900 million tenge, was set aside for the development of the area’s infrastructure. Furthermore, in compliance with its contractual duties, LLP Saryarka-Energy contributes a sizable amount of funds to the professionalization of the company’s personnel, as well as to the tuition of Kazakh students attending special secondary and postsecondary educational institutions. The corporation has allocated around 2012 billion tenge for sponsorship and philanthropic endeavors between 2019 and 2021. Over the past three years, the Company has assisted over 170 public organizations and children with serious illnesses.

The state of safeguarding the environment, as well as people and property, against the adverse consequences of potentially hazardous production elements is known as industrial safety. The name of this hazardous producing site is LLP Saryarka-Energy. One method to guarantee industrial safety is through the declaration of hazardous production facility safety and the evaluation of industrial safety experts. The object is examined by an industrial safety specialist to make sure it meets all relevant standards and requirements. It is required to declare facilities that are utilized for hazardous manufacturing and whose operations potentially have a negative impact on the general public or the environment. Specialists from the company drafted the Refinery Safety Declaration in this regard, and they carefully examined it before registering it with the relevant organization.

Development Strategy

In 2021, in accordance with modern trends and challenges of the energy markets, the Corporate Development Strategy until 2030 was updated. Despite changes in the external environment, the main principles and targets of the Strategy remain relevant. The main priority of the company is to maximize shareholder value and ensure optimal return on invested capital within the priority areas of activity. The Corporate Strategy also includes a new area — alternative energy — which the company has been working on for the past few years.

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